Falling For Portugal: A Mai Tai Tom “Trip” Report Chapter Eleven: Traversing Templar Tomar Day Eleven: Hanging With The Templars, Barely Beating The Crowd, Window of Opportunity Shut, Traversing Tomar, Forest Tuckered, Weeping Water Wheel, The Match Game, Danger Of Death, Checking Out Tomar’s Heritage, My New Almost Girlfriend and Bohemian Rhapsody Time to explore a little of historic Tomar. Near our hotel, we ventured across the bridge with three names … Old Bridge, Ponte Velha or Dom…

Falling For Portugal: A Mai Tai Tom “Trip” Report Chapter Eleven: Traversing Templar Tomar Day Eleven: Hanging With The Templars, Barely Beating The Crowd, Window of Opportunity Shut, Traversing Tomar, Forest Tuckered, Weeping Water Wheel, The Match Game, Danger Of Death, Checking Out Tomar’s Heritage, My New Almost Girlfriend and Bohemian Rhapsody Time to explore a little of historic Tomar. Near our hotel, we ventured across the bridge with three names … Old Bridge, Ponte Velha or Dom…

* This article was originally published here


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